Evaluation of Transition Policy Advice 1.0
It is characteristic for transitions that the path to achieving the ultimate objective is unpredictable, uncertain and seldom complies to expectations. The transition towards animal-free research is no exception. Therefore, intermediate reflection on progress is essential for the transition te be succesfull. In 2023 we started a reflective evaluation of the progress of the transition to animal-free research and the impact of Transition Policy Advice 1.0. The report of this evaluation was published in September 2024.

Besides the report on the evaluation, several background documents are available. These documents were prepared for the evaluation for the purpose of including developments in these areas when initiating Transition Policy Advice 2.0.
Background documents
Exploratory study on the rationale and drivers
Transformative governance and transitions
Progress in academic animal ethics and its relevance to the discourse on the use of animals in scientific research
Project assessment in fundamental scientific animal research: is a harms-benefit analysis the best model?
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