Invitation Symposium 'Phasing out animal experiments, the next steps: applying openness, scientific justification and transparent reporting'

Over the last few years, much of the attention in the societal debate on scientific research with laboratory animals has focused questioning on whether laboratory animal research is always necessary and correctly designed. It is imperative to focus on the meticulous preparation of scientific research plans and to make optimal use of existing knowledge. It is not always sure that all possibilities to reduce, refine and replace animal tests are fully taken into account. This theme already gets attention from the media but also deserves political attention.   

To discuss this matter the Netherlands National Committee for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes (NCad) organises a  a Symposium “Phasing out animal experiments, the next steps: applying openness, scientific justification and transparent reporting” . We invite you for this symposium that will be held at the European Parliament in Brussels on December 8, 2016.

The purpose of this symposium is to discuss whether the current animal use practices can be reduced and improved and if so, in what way. Experts will highlight why  certain animal experiments are still necessary, and  that applying openness, scientific justification and transparent reporting are key to make a justified decision on whether  or not an animal experiment should be licensed.  The main topic that will be discussed is the Synthesis of Evidence concept, being one of the tools that should strongly contribute to diminishing, or better, preventing unnecessary animal experiments. An explanatory guidance, drafted by the Netherlands National Committee you can find on the wbsite of the NCad.

The Symposium is open for scientists, members of the European Parliament, members of National Committees, and other interested parties in EU member states. In the afternoon, an international synthesis of evidence working group will discuss the development of a European code of practice for the SoE concept. The members of the working group will also discuss how to organize input of other scientific experts in this process. Scientific experts interested in giving input, please enter your name on the specific part of the registration form.

The program of the Symposium you can find on this webpage, together with the registration form. Please note that the strict deadline for registration is  November 1 and cannot be extended for security reasons. Therefore, if you wish to register, then please return the completed registration form before November 1  to:  

We encourage your particpation to this meeting and we look forward to welcome you in in December in Brussels.