Opinion: From parallel study to the acceptance and implementation of animal-free methods

In April 2020, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we sent a proposal to the then Minister of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality, recommending that parallel studies using innovative animal-free methods still under development be conducted alongside standard studies.

In response to this advisory letter, the Minister of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality requested that we provide her with advice on the matter. This led to the following twofold questions:

  1. Provide insight into which research domains and types of research could benefit in the foreseeable future from parallel studies to validate alternative animal-free models.
  2. Provide advice as to how the additional costs involved could be funded without affecting other research.

While preparing these recommendations, it soon became clear that the terms ‘parallel studies’ and ‘validation’ can be interpreted differently, depending on the type of research.

As a result, the focus of the recommendations shifted to identifying the existing obstacles and determining what is necessary to ensure that animal-free research methods become more widely accepted and integrated.

This opinion report describes the opportunities and conditions for the successful implementation of parallel studies, and potential means of funding them. Concrete recommendations are also provided to the Minister, funding bodies (both government and public-private), as well as educational/research institutions, and businesses.