NCad's mission and vision

The NCad is established for the protection of animals used for scientific and educational purposes. The Committee has a broad, substantive and executive task.

The NCad establishes visible improvements aimed at the Replacement, Reduction and Refinement (3Rs) of animal testing and the ethical review of the use of laboratory animals in scientific research and education. The NCad achieves this based the most current scientific insights into the characteristics and abilities of animals and the consequences of these insights for weighing their interests taking into account the precautionary principle.

In doing so, to the NCad contributes to minimising the use of laboratory animals and accelerating scientific developments. The basis of the NCad’s work consists of science-based and thoroughly prepared (policy) advice to the Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LVVN). The NCad does this independently, providing both solicited and unsolicited advice. To this end, the NCad brings stakeholders together and shares knowledge to further develop animal testing policies, such as the realisation of the 3Rs policy and the ethical review process of license applications for animal experiments. On both a national and international level, the NCad plays a key role in the public debate on the use of laboratory animals and the development of alternatives.

The NCad disseminates nationally and internationally available knowledge regarding the 3Rs and the ethical acceptability of animal testing. This enables a responsible animal testing policy for all stakeholders in the Netherlands.

The NCad takes initiatives to stimulate innovation and thereby realises results, both nationally and internationally.